Friday Pack Activities (5/19/2023)
Adventure Pack
A new pack member had her first outing today - Nelly! For a dog who isn't fond of the rain, conditions weren't very favorable; but Nelly was still happy to get out on the trail and explore with her new packmates. Yoshi crowded the doorway of the packmobile as he was curious to meet a new friend. Nelly wasn't shy about hopping in as soon as I got Yoshi to make a little space. She received the customary grumble from Dylan when Dylan first hopped into the packmobile with an unfamiliar dog. Nelly didn't react to the attitude and Dylan got over it in a heartbeat. When Lou joined us, she was eager to sniff hello with Nelly. Nelly seemed a little unsure of Lou's intense interest, but just waited it out until Lou moved on and lay next to Yoshi. The trail was surprisingly busy for how wet and smokey it was. I had thought it was foggy earlier this morning until I smelled the smoke and noticed the reddish-brown tinge to the clouds. Odd to have the air so thick with it while also having such wet weather. The pack stuck to the Chautauqua Meadow and Park areas and did a shorter hike than usual because I could feel the smoke irritating my throat. Despite being wet, the dogs were happy to sniff their way along the trail together. Everyone got toweled off and enjoyed treats back at the packmobile. Despite the lack of cooperation from the weather, Nelly did great on her first day with the pack!
Variety Pack
Yoshi walked to Wonderland Lake this afternoon, with rain no longer falling but smoke still settled across the region. We encountered some red-winged blackbirds and a rabbit during our walk. Yoshi perked up at the sights of them but did a surprisingly good job of keeping it together, only straining slightly at the leash and quickly settling back at my side. Packmate Ruffers is supposed to be back next week and hopefully we'll have some new friends joining from the wait list soon to keep Yoshi company in the afternoons.