Friday Pack Activities (4/26/2024)
Adventure Pack
The trails were pretty quiet as Nelly, Dylan, Lou and Yoshi headed up Bluebell Road today. There were a couple other canine hikers on their way down from the mountain, and Yoshi kept with the pack pretty well with just a little redirection. Dylan was eager to head into shade for breaks along the way. Lou and Nelly followed along in place, just going with the flow. We meandered around the grassy field at the Chautauqua after making our way back down the mountain.
Variety Pack
Arlo, Sanni, and Archie had a lot of fun together at the house before we set our for our walk. There was a brief, light rain shower with some tiny hail mixed in as the Racer, Arlo, Carl, Sanni, and Archie made their way along Goose Creek Greenway. It didn't last long before the skies started to clear. Archie made some playful pokes at Arlo and attempted to mount Sanni while we were walking, and I quickly interrupted him to get him back on track. Carl walked along beside Arlo and avoided Archie's attention. Racer brought up the rear, following nicely in place behind me. Arlo was curious about the prairie dogs who chirped as we passed by on our way back.