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Friday Pack Activities (4/21/2023)

Adventure Pack

Dylan and Yoshi hit the trails at the Chautauqua together this morning. As usual with the pack hikes lately, they did a lot of sniffing along the Baseline Trail when we first set out, and then got into a steadier pace once we started ascending the mountain; however, Dylan made one more long stop at a barren shrub at the edge of the Chautauqua Trail on our way up. Yoshi checked it out a bit as well, but Dylan thoroughly sniffed up and down every branch. I wonder whether a lot of dogs had left their marks on that particular shrub, or the smell of the plant itself caught his interest. There was another shrub along Bluebell Road on our way back down that also caught the dogs' interests, though not quite as intensely.

Variety Pack

Yoshi and Lou had a lot of fun rolling around and wrestling together before they headed out for a walk along the Bear Creek Greenway this afternoon. They were pretty rowdy playing with each other beforehand, but settled down for the walk and behaved themselves very nicely. They both enjoyed some treats as Yoshi practiced sitting politely at the side of the path while other dogs passed by; Lou is already very well-mannered in that regard.


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