Friday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack
With another morning of smoke-filled air, the pack again stuck to the flatter meadow trails at the Chautauqua, for a hike that wasn't too taxing. With how smoky it was, I was surprised to find that parking around the Chautauqua was almost totally full. As we took our time along the trails, the pack frequently pulled over into the grass to let other hikers pass by. Dylan, Roger Roger, and Sputnik all got plenty of sniffing in, and also enjoyed getting lots of pets from me as we watched other hikers - both dog and human - go by.
Variety Pack
Ruffers, Lou, and Zoey enjoyed a walk around Wonderland Lake this afternoon. Lou and Ruffers haven't been out together very many times yet, and Lou was very wiggly and interested in Ruffers before the walk. Ruffers was reacted to the attention with her usual friendly and playful demeanor. Meanwhile, Zoey didn't stir from her spot when Lou joined us in the packmobile. It was still pretty smoky out, and we didn't come across nearly as many people and dogs on our walk as the pack did this morning at the Chautauqua.