Friday Pack Activities (3/14/2025)
Adventure Pack
There was a brisk wind at the Chautauqua when Tozai, Lou, Yoshi, and Lucy hit the trails this morning. Lucy, Yoshi, and Tozai all got pretty worked up about the first couple dogs we passed by. I started moving further off the trail with everyone when other dogs were coming through, and I had the excitable pups sit and wait. Meanwhile, Lou was calm and a bit of a slow poke throughout the hike. Tozai found a stubby stick to chew on, and Yoshi had passing interest in his packmate's find. Tozai eventually dropped the stick, but found another one a short while later. This time, Yoshi and Lucy were both very interested and tried stealing the stick from Tozai. I settled the commotion down, having Yoshi and Lucy leave Tozai's find to him. Lucy was quick to let it go, while Yoshi complained for a few minutes. After a little while, I had Tozai leave the stick behind so we could finish up the hike without further jealousies.
Variety Pack
Carl was very excited to discover Ruffers at the house when we stopped there before the walk. The two of them along with Dylan and Imogene headed to Bear Creek Greenway via Martin Park this afternoon. It was less windy than earlier at the Chautauqua. The dogs took their time crossing the grassy park, sniffing here and there as we went. Once we got going, we kept a steady, moderate pace along the path. We made our obligatory stop at the mile-marker boulder by the basketball courts, and the dogs sniffed a broad area between there and the nearby trees.