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Friday Pack Activities

Adventure Pack

It ended up only being Dylan and Sputnik on our hike this morning, but those two buddies had a good time together. Dylan rolled in some snowy patches while Sputnik buried his face in them, and then they exchanged play-bow poses. We headed in the direction of the Mesa Trail but then took the branch up the Woods Quarry Trail. The hike wasn't quite as far as our Mesa Trail hike, but the more intense slope made for a good workout. Dylan only led me by about 6 paces as we made our ascent, instead of his usual 20-or-so yards. We reached the beautiful scenic vista and then made our way back.

Variety Pack

A new pack member joined us this afternoon: Lizzo! Lizzo is a 4-month-old Aussiedoodle. Carl and Lizzo were very happy to sniff hello with each other. They kept circling each other to sniff, on and on, for a long while. Ruffers and Lou were excited to greet the new pup as well, but Lizzo was still just interested in Carl. Zoey got a sniff in when she could, but she wasn't as eager to greet the newcomer as her packmates were. Carl's walking looked very good next to Lizzo's; but he has had several more months practice at it. More than once, Lizzo spun around in place mid-stride, wanting to see and do everything all at once. Zoey, Ruffers, and Lou all provided good examples for the puppies, as they typically do.



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