Friday Pack Activities (12/6/2024)
Adventure Pack
Yoshi, Teo, Lou and Nelly enjoyed the beautiful day on the Chautauqua trails. Teo whined and wiggled in ecstatic delight at the sight of every unfamiliar face we passed - dog or human. Yoshi was curious beside Teo, but showed his maturity as he didn't pull or bark. Lou and Nelly didn't even take notice of other dogs (or people) at the distances at which Teo was so worked up. In fact, they were pretty disinterested in those who went by as we pulled over to the side so I could mind Teo's state of excitement. Lou and Nelly were more focused on sniffing their way along the trail, especially through some of the patches that are still covered in packed snow. A lot of attention was given to Teo's on-leash habits. By the end of the hike, Yoshi was helping by serving as an anchor on Teo's outer flank, keeping him boxed in a bit and giving him a reference point for not pulling ahead.
Variety Pack
Jonathan, Lumi, Carl, Ruffers and Beard strolled Goose Creek Path from Valmont Park this afternoon, enjoying what continued to be a gorgeous day to be outdoors. On this outing, it was Lumi who served to help box in Beard, who is challenged by the notion of walking on pace and in formation. Ruffers, Carl and Jonathan managed well at my other side. Ruffers and Carl were quick to head to the nearest tree to sniff around when we pulled over to a grassy patch for a pack photo. Snowy patches were somewhat rare along our route, but Lumi and Beard found a good one to get down in together. They rubbed their faces in it and flopped around while Carl, Ruffers and Jonathan waited on the paved path for their packmates to complete their revel.
Wow! Yoshi is teaching leash etiquette!