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Friday Pack Activities (12/22/2023)

Adventure Pack

Archie, Yoshi, Dylan and Alfie headed to Mesa Trail from the Chautauqua today. The parking lot was more full than yesterday but the trails seemed a little less busy and there weren't nearly as many other dogs as we saw yesterday. When we did see dogs, I shortened the lead on Archie and Yoshi's leashes to keep them from getting too wild and jumping around. Sometimes the pair of them would start to get each other worked up without any outside influence. Dylan and Alfie kept their composures despite their rowdy packmates. We encountered a pair of pigeons walking along the trail and in an adjacent field, which I forgot to mention we saw yesterday as well. The pigeons were one thing that caught the interest of the entire pack. I wonder what has attracted them to that particular stretch of trail.

Variety Pack

Carl, Milo, Archie, Griff, Gidget, Blu, Ruffers and Yoshi all walked around Wonderland Lake together with an extra hand from Jen. We all pulled over every now and then to let everyone sniff around, but Carl wasn't satisfied with those stops and wanted to mark the grass at the edge of the trail about every 10 yards. We moved well off the trail when other dogs came by, and everyone did a good job of staying calm and keeping their attention on me, which earned everybody a couple rounds of treats.


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