Friday Pack Activities (12/20/2024)
Adventure Pack
The trails were very busy today! Teo struggled to maintain his cool with each dog that went by. He would continue to watch and whimper until the other dog got about 50 yards away. Meanwhile, Yoshi, Lou and Nelly were all mostly calm and easily manageable. Yoshi got a little worked up at the first couple dogs, but then settled in and stopped reacting. Nelly didn't react at the beginning of the hike, but did start to whine alongside Teo when we saw another dog on Bluebell Road during our descent. Things were a bit quieter when we were on the mesa. Still, Teo required constant reminders to walk with the group and not pull ahead. Nelly veered off to sniff around in the brush every so often. Yoshi and Lou were good followers throughout.
Variety Pack
Griff, Carl, Ruffers, Alfie, Milo and Lumi walked Bear Creek Greenway this beautiful afternoon. After having an intensive on-leash-manners session with Teo during the hike, the orderliness of the afternoon pack was refreshing - despite having 50% more dog! Everyone moved over to the side of the path to sniff around every so often, but did so with enough self-restraint that they were pleasant diversions, and it was easy to keep leashes untangled. Alfie, Lumi and Carl were the most active sniffers of the group. Carl circled one particular spot again and again, marking and re-marking it just to make sure. I let everyone know how much I appreciated their good manners, which they maintained for the entire outing, eliciting admiration from some passers-by.