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Friday Pack Activities

Adventure Pack

The pack encountered another snake today. This time it was a bull snake and we saw it on the Red Rocks Trail as we were making our way to the Anemone Trail. Well, the pack didn't seem to notice it at all, but I saw it ahead of us and we waited in place for a minute until it decided to slither back into the brush. Yoshi is showing gradual improvement with how worked up he gets when we see other dogs on the trail. Nelly, who has a habit of nervously munching on grass in excess amounts, indulged in that behavior the least today that I've seen so far. Dylan remembered the spot where we've been turning around on our hikes up the Anemone Trail this week. He stopped at the last shaded spot we've been passing and lay down and made it clear he wasn't interested in pushing any further up the mountain today. Lou was happy to join the cause in passive resistance alongside him. We hung out in the shade for a few minutes and then started making our way back.

Variety Pack

Lumi and Yoshi had a lot of fun wrestling around before the pack set out for our afternoon walk at the CU South trail loop. Griff supervised and occasionally grumbled at them to keep it civil, whenever he felt their excitement was getting out of hand. We headed to CU South as thunderstorms were rolling through and the pack waited in the car for about 15 minutes until the clouds started breaking up and the lightning strikes were moving away. Lumi was anxious to get out and start walking, and whined about it over my shoulder. Ruffers was not thrilled about the weather and she hid in the foot well behind the passenger seat. It took some convincing to get her to come out, but she was fine once we started walking because there weren't anymore nearby thunderclaps. The rest of the pack didn't seem bothered by the weather at any point. Even though Lumi and Yoshi were very playful with each other beforehand, they recognized the proper time and place and were able to turn it off and walk nicely on leash together. Griff was not freaked out by any more snake encounters this afternoon; however, the siren of a police truck that passed us on the road after the walk elicited a rare howl from him in response.

Bonus Pack

Zoey, Milo, Carl and Sanni headed to Wonderland Lake for an evening stroll together. Sanni wanted to walk through the tall grass as much as possible. Carl was walking alongside her and sometimes attempted to follow her into the brush, but mostly kept to the edge of the path. Milo got a little more worked up than usual when we passed other dogs, and let out a couple woofs. Zoey was interested in sniffing around on the opposite side of the trail from Sanni. We made detours for each to make sure they were both satisfied.



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