Friday Pack Activities (11/15/2024)
Adventure Pack
Nelly, Lucy, Yoshi and Lumi hit the Flatirons Loop at the Chautauqua today. On the way up, Lumi found a nice patch of snow to sprawl out on. Yoshi was getting a bit too excited about all the dogs we passed by, and there were many today! As a result, he got a lot of practice with staying by my side despite the temptation to rush over and greet them all. Lucy did a good job of containing herself, even with Nelly whimpering excitedly beside her.
Variety Pack
A new pack member joined us today: Teo! (Tay-O)
Teo is Lou's new little brother. He was ecstatic to greet all of his new packmates. His energy was reminiscent of Lucy's when she first joined the pack. Ironically, Lucy was the most put off by Teo's excitement, and I monitored their greeting very closely because Lucy was giving some very unpleasant growls when Teo got near her. Yoshi, on the other hand, was thrilled to have a new buddy. They licked each other's faces a bunch, and chased each other back and forth through the yard when we stopped at the house. Lumi was somewhat inviting but kind of indifferent about the new pup; he lay down and just let Teo climb over him without objection. Ruffers and Carl were both curious about their new packmate, but were quick to give him sharp corrections for being in their faces too much. Nelly got some sniffs in and then backed off, and Teo was occupied by his more animated greetings with the others. Teo whined profusely for a long time upon first meeting everyone. Before we headed out for the walk, Teo and Lucy got a little more time together and started making some playful intimations. Everyone got treats. During the walk itself, Teo pulled ahead a fair bit throughout. Ruffers, Carl, Lou and Lumi all made up for it by being exemplary walkers today. Yoshi was somewhere in between - pulling ahead a bit, but staying more-or-less in formation. The grassy hill that Lumi likes to stop at along our Goose Creek Greenway walk was just treated with pesticides; Lumi didn't complain when we passed by it without stopping. Teo seemed to be starting to get the pace with his packmates by the end of the walk - hopefully that trend continues!