Thursday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack
The Baseline and Gregory Canyon trails were especially busy today, so we pulled off to the side many times, to give the other hikers space to pass by the pack. Racer likes climbing on top of nearby boulders whenever we take a break beside the trail. Sputnik and Griff let her be queen of the hill, and never try to dethrone her from her perch, or even shoulder in next to her. It was a beautiful morning with mild weather, which resulted in far less heavy panting than the packs have been accustomed to lately. Griff again enjoyed roaming off leash for much of the hike, once we got a little way up Gregory Canyon.
Variety Pack
Early on in this afternoon's walk along the Boulder Creek Path, we were passed from behind by a roller-blader who zipped by at high speed and in close proximity, which made me and the whole pack jump. Mamacita recovered quickly. Avo seemed a bit shaken afterward and spent much of the rest of the walk on alert, ready to bark and jump at the slightest disturbances that came from passing dogs or loud trucks. Riley quietly darted toward a couple other dogs who went by, as well, but she cut her advances short as soon as she felt the tension on the leash catch her. We made several stops along the walk, where I had everyone sit and politely wait for treats in the form of beef jerky bits. During a brief stop at Central Park in front of the library complex, Avo tried to entice Mamacita into some play by bowing in front of her and hopping up. Mamacita did not engage; however, Riley saw Avo's invitation and leapt over to her. They shuffled around each other but stayed pretty tame, and then I got their attentions and we continued with our walk.