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Thursday Pack Activities

Adventure Pack

Dylan was unsure about Griff when he joined us in the packmobile this morning. He stood, grumbling, with his back to Griff, for a couple minutes. Griff just lay down and waited it out, until Dylan's grumbling petered out. The tension dissolved once we were out on the trail, and the two of them explored off leash together. Racer was again set on wading through as much snow as possible, and kept pulling off to the side of the trail to achieve that mission. Sputnik went much of the hike without seeking out places to mark. The trails were pretty quiet today, and the icy parts were covered with a fresh layer of snow which made them easier to walk on.

Variety Pack

Poppy, Riley, and Avo were all pretty excited to sniff in the snow and hop around in it at the outset of our walk at Boulder Creek this afternoon. I didn't let them get too wild, and then we spent much of the walk practicing good on-leash manners, with Mamacita and Zoey providing good examples for their younger packmates to model. Avo kept hopping up to peek over the snowbank beside the path, perhaps checking to see if the geese from last week were around again. If so, she was disappointed to find none to bark at. She, Riley, and Poppy tried to turn the walk into a play session at different points along the way, but I was keeping a close watch on them and kept them from getting each other riled up. Hopefully with continued practice, they will learn to respect that playtime is for the park and our on-leash outings call for milder manners.

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