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Wednesday Pack Activities

Adventure Pack

Li'l Zoe was back with the pack today after a hiatus, and she was very excited to get out on the trail with her packmates. She mostly stuck at my side with the pack, but her excitement got the best of her and resulted in some attempts to pull ahead every now and then. Mamacita forewent her constitution wiggle-in-the-grass until much later in the hike than usual, today. Instead of flopping down somewhere along the Baseline Trail, she waited until our descent along the Bluebell-Mesa connector to partake. Zoe stood by and watched Mamacita with interest until Mamacita had her fill and returned to an upright position. Ruffers lingered behind the pack again today, though not as far as she did last week. Sputnik made a couple attempts to lure Ruffers into a chase, but Ruffers didn't go for the bait. Otherwise, Sputnik went back and forth between Ruffers and the rest of us, checking in on everyone frequently as we made our way along the trails.

Variety Pack

Rey has been so good at reading the vibe of other dogs and respecting boundaries. It took her no time to recognize that the packmobile is a place to lie down and be calm. Today, she lay next to Mamacita and sniffed politely in her direction. Mamacita is one of the more forgiving dogs when it comes to nosy puppy behavior, and she didn't mind at all when Rey sniffed around her face and paws as they lay together. When we got out onto the trail at CU South Campus, Rey and Zoey had a blast as Rey chased Zoey around. After a little while, the playful energy dissipated and we had a pleasant walk around the big loop, with a couple stops to sniff hello with passing dogs.

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