Monday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack
The cloud cover was a mixed blessing in today's heat, as it came with high humidity. The pack got a good workout going up the Amphitheater Trail again today. Roger Roger joined us in place of his brother Rucksack, and had fun exploring alongside Griff. When we reached the high point of our hike at the intersection with the Saddle Rock Trail, Mamacita dug herself a patch down to cooler dirt and then lay in it before taking some water. Griff was so eager to have a drink that I didn't even have to coax him. Sputnik and Roger Roger both took water as often as they could.
Variety Pack
Milo had his first pack outing to the Valmont Dog Park this afternoon. He seemed a bit less at ease than he has been on our walks. He roamed the park aimlessly during the beginning of our visit, and I noticed him opening and closing his mouth sometimes in what seemed like a nervous tick. Meanwhile, Zoey was splashing in the kiddie pool and frolicking around by herself and occasionally with other dogs; Stella was slowly making her way across the parking and sniffing at everything and everyone along the way. A ladybug landed on Stella's tail and I snapped a photo of her with it, while Zoey was standing beside her and waiting for me to throw her tennis ball. After taking note of Milo's demeanor, I hooked the leash back on him and walked him around with me for a while. When I let him off the leash again, he seemed a little more engaged with the other dogs and he stopped doing that tick with his jaw. He took off to the other end of the park a few times and then ran to me when I called him on his way back. When we hung out near the center of the park, he, Zoey, and Stella all milled around with the various dogs at the park and sniffed hello with them.