Wednesday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack
The pack was lavished with attention by a family who were hiking up the Chautauqua Trail this morning and who said Mamacita looks just like their dog, Pumpkin. They said Ruffers bore a strong resemblance to another dog they know, as well. Despite them being most interested in Mamacita and Ruffers, Sputnik wasn't shy about nosing his way in for attention. Colby kept a safe distance at first but she started creeping forward and sniffing at the hands that were scratching the ears, heads, and chins of her packmates.
Variety Pack
There were a trio of horseback riders at CU South Campus when we arrived so we hung out in the car for a few minutes to let them get on their way before we set out on the same path. Once on the trails, we were periodically passed by bike riders. With all the unusual traffic, I kept the pack on leash. Zoey was a much more polite walker today than yesterday, as she mostly refrained from both the pulling and the sudden stops. We came across several spots that various pack members found interesting and we lingered as they checked things out. One spot beside the trail seemed to be of particular interest, as Thompson, Isaac, Coco, and Zoey all took their time with their noses pinned to a patch of grass about two feet in diameter. Whatever it was, it was something dog noses were far better equipped for detecting than human faculties.