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Leader of the Pack
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Tuesday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack The pack sniffed hello with a couple of the dogs we passed on the trails this morning. Sputnik kept his cool for most of...

Monday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Roger Roger took Rucksack's place in the pack this morning. He was happy to be out on the trails with Mamacita and...

Friday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack The pack was back to sniffing in the grass beside the Baseline Trail this morning. Mamacita, Rucksack, Griff, and Sputnik...

Thursday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack There wasn't much sniffing around when we set out on the trail this morning, so we made it up past the intersection with...

Wednesday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Griff, Mamacita, and Sputnik all took their time at the outset of our hike this morning. Everyone wanted to sniff around...

Tuesday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Colby, Griff, and Sputnik kept a steady pace up the Amphitheater Trail this morning. We hung out in the shade for a few...

Monday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack The cloud cover was a mixed blessing in today's heat, as it came with high humidity. The pack got a good workout going up...

Friday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack The pack got a good workout as we kept a steady pace on our way up the Amphitheater Trail this morning. After reaching...

Thursday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack There was a steady drizzle as Griff, Colby, and Sputnik hiked with me this morning. The dogs were in no hurry as they...

Wednesday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack With the cool, overcast weather, there was a lot less panting on the hike up the Amphitheater Trail this morning. Sputnik...
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