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Contact me to check on availability and set up a free meet & greet.
Leader of the Pack
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Friday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Roger Roger had a fun time on the CU South trails this morning. There were a lot of friendly dogs out. A few stopped...

Thursday Pack Activities
Variety Pack Avo and Riley enjoyed their walk along the Bear Creek Path this afternoon. We made a few stops in shaded, grassy areas. ...

Wednesday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Ruffers was eager to follow some scents at CU South this morning. I humored her to an extent, but reigned her in when she...

Tuesday Pack Activities
Variety Pack The pups were pretty lazy in today's heat. Rey and Avo kept veering off from Bear Creek Path to lounge in shaded, grassy...

Monday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Ruffers and Mamacita took their time on the trails at CU South again. Mamacita wiggled in the grass on three separate...

Friday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Roger Roger was very affectionate as he greeted me for the first time since the stay-at-home orders took effect. He...

Thursday Pack Activities
Variety Pack Storm clouds loomed as the pack headed out on the Bear Creek Path this afternoon, with a light drizzle falling on us. ...

Wednesday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Mamacita and Ruffers headed back to CU South today. The trails were busier than this past, rainy Monday, but they weren't...

Tuesday Pack Activities
Variety Pack Avo, Rey, and Zoey were all very happy to see each other this afternoon. With the sun shining and yesterday's rain dried...

Monday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Mamacita and Ruffers were the first pack members to come out since our COVID19 hiatus. They both greeted me with lots of...
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