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Leader of the Pack
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Friday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Dylan and Milo had a fun time ranging the snowy trails at Shanahan Ridge today. Early on, we came across a pair of playful...

Thursday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Milo, Griff, Carl and Racer roamed the snowy trails at Shanahan Ridge today. Racer and Carl had their noses to the ground...

Wednesday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Dylan was extra excited on our hike today. He rolled in the snow many times, and even went on a couple sprints up the...

Tuesday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Carl and Ruffers got very playful with each other while we were hiking at Shanahan Ridge this morning. Griff did some...

Monday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack The dogs had fun at Shanahan Ridge today despite the cold and dreary weather. Avo found some pine cones, sticks, and...
Friday Pack Activities
I accidentally deleted today's photos off my phone instead of transferring them. Sorry! Adventure Pack Dylan had a fun time rolling in...

Thursday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack The pack hiked in a winter wonderland at the Chautauqua today. Carl bounded through snow that was at times deeper than his...

Wednesday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Another busy day at the Chautauqua, but again slightly less so than the day before. Avo and Dylan got a bit worked up and...

Tuesday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack The Chautauqua was still very busy today, but the trails didn't feel quite as packed as yesterday. Carl, Racer and Blu...

Monday Pack Activities
Morning Pack Racer, Milo, Blu and Gidget took a walk around Wonderland Lake this morning. It was a much more comfortable temperature out...
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