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Leader of the Pack
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Thursday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack The pack did less sniffing by the trail head this morning. I suspect that as the ground has dried, the scents have faded...

Wednesday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack The pack did a lot of sniffing at the trail head again today. Once everyone was satisfied, we started our ascent. Then,...

Tuesday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Racer munched on snow at the trail head while Griff, Sputnik, and Yoda did a lot of sniffing and peeing. This pattern...

Monday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Griff and Roger Roger raced each other through the snow at Shanahan Ridge this morning, while Sputnik and Mamacita...

Friday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack It was a gorgeous day for a hike. At one of our stops along the trail at Shanahan Ridge, Sputnik started munching on the...

Thursday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Curie, Sputnik, Racer, and Griff all sniffed a lot around the trail head at the Cragmoor Connector to Shanahan Ridge. ...

Wednesday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Icy snow pack is still lingering on the incline at Shanahan Ridge, so we took our time on the way up and the way back down....

Tuesday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Racer munched on snow throughout our hike at Shanahan Ridge this morning. Sputnik still wanted to sniff and leave his...

Monday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Riley joined Mamacita, Roger Roger, and Sputnik for our hike at Shanahan Ridge this morning. We made a lot of stops along...

Friday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack Roger Roger and Griff had a blast chasing each other up and down the CU South trails this morning. Mamacita woofed at...
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